
What Is Galvalume Steel Sheet

What Is Galvalume Steel Sheet

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Galvalume plate refers to steel plate coating with aluminum (passivation protection) added on the basis of zinc. The general composition is 55% aluminum, 43.5% zinc, 1.5% silicon. It has excellent atmospheric corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance is galvanized plate. 2-4 times that of aluminum plate, it also has the high temperature corrosion resistance of aluminum plate, smooth surface and good appearance, but its coating has slightly poor molding and welding resistance. In foreign countries, generally about 40% of galvanized plates are used directly, and about 60% of the plates are further used as color-coated substrates.

Usage: Building roofs, walls, electrical cabinets, home appliances, automobiles, color-coated substrates, etc.

The corrosion resistance of 55% aluminum-zinc alloy plated steel sheets comes from the protective function of the passivation layer of aluminum and the sacrificial protective function of zinc. When zinc provides sacrificial protection on trimmed edges, scratches, and abraded parts of the coating, aluminum forms an insoluble oxide layer on the outside of the steel plate to exert a barrier protection function. Long-term atmospheric exposure test results of 55% aluminum-zinc plating in various areas of the world, such as rural areas, industrial areas, general coastal areas and harsh marine areas, confirm that under the same coating thickness, 55% aluminum-zinc plating is more durable than galvanized Corrosiveness is 2-6 times higher.


Contact: Bonny Zhu

Phone: +8613854893387


Add: Building 8, wanda plaza, taian city, shandong province, PRC